Monday, February 16, 2009


Just wanted to share with everyone the kind of week James is having....... On Valentines Day Mommy got Daddy a new electric razor....... as I was putting Max in the tub, thinking James was right behind me, I heard a buzzing sound, came running into the kitchen where Daddy had placed his new razor to charge....... lets just say James gave himself a nice "accent" above his right ear. Thank goodness he didn't cut himself......
This morning, I foolishly decided to dry my hair (so selfish, I know....) while I was watching Max play and James was playing a computer game in the kitchen. After a whole THREE minutes, I came in the kitchen to check on him (which I have to do daily every minute or so) and he had pooped and smeared it all over my computer, mouse, mouse pad and himself. Deep breaths....
Just now, as I was trying to sweep off the back porch and he was quietly playing at the kitchen table with his crayons and playdough I came in to find him coloring all over the picture frames hanging in the dining room and crayon drawings all over the wall. Deeper breaths....
Anyway, thought someone might find this humorous, one day I'm sure I will as well. Until then, this child in wearing me out!
I'd better go, he's found the hose and is watering everything! And my friends wonder why I can't talk on the phone or have a facebook account?! Ha!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Remember the famous vaseoline story, you will laugh one day!!