Monday, October 18, 2010

Oct update

Okay, its been a REALLY long time since I caught up on my "blogging".

Max is getting so big, he says complete sentences and isn't repeating himself like a parrot as much any more (thank goodness! he was like a little broken record!) He wants to be as big as James and Nathan and tries to do everything they do. The good thing is, he is starting to use the potty, all on is own, without me pushing him (potty training has not even been on my radar).

We have really enjoyed having Gg and Popster close, its so nice to spend time with them, their new house is beautiful. Plus, they are constantly bringing us dinner and cooking for us, I could get used to this!

James is doing great in PreK, he is such a smart boy. His class is mostly girls which seems to be a good thing for him, he hasn't been in time out yet, unlike last year! He is still as stubborn as ever, but is so much fun. He loves walking around making up silly songs and still loves to draw and color.

The weather is absolutely fantastic, I love October in Florida, although I do miss fall in TN....

Business is going great, the guys are very busy. We have been looking at some properties for the business because of the great buyers market right now, but nothing has worked out yet. We haved ridden the short sale roller coaster and the deal died, we have made an offer on a foreclosure, but we are happy exactly where we are and just thought it was worth a shot in this market.
The good news is our little house is looking great, we just put down more sod, mulch, shell and pavers in the back, now we can sit back and enjoy for a while!

Mom, Allyson and I just got back from a Women of Faith convention in Tampa this weekend. A group from our church went, what a great weekend. I can't wait to attend next year.

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