Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Go Vols!

Max is no fair weather fan!

Family photo

Dirty Boy!

This boy is a professional mess maker!

Brother T-shirts

Thank you Eston and Tammi for the Big Brother/Little Brother tshirts!

Orlando in August

We had a great time with Gg, Popster, Michele and Yale in Orlando,
James loves his aunt Shelly (she spoils him!)

Two Months old

Check out those baby blues!

Bath time!

Max loves everything about bathtime, (laughing at his brother, smiling at the bath toys, kicking those kangaroo legs like crazy) EXCEPT the getting out part. He will cry the minute we pull him out until he is fed and in bed. But then he will sleep from 8 until morning, so we aren't complaining!

Family beach time!

Max's first trip to the beach, in his pouch, he LOVES that thing!

Max first meeting with Aunt Tammi and Uncle Eston. Good practice for you guys!
All the kids together, fun times!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sailing with Nana and D-Daddy

Virgin Islands April 2008

We have such a great time with our friends the Cress' in the Islands, some really good quality Mommy and Daddy time. Kathryn was six months pregnant with Max, which really helped with her floatation for snorkling!

James,Max and Nathan "The Boys"

Brotherly Love

Welcome Maxwell Michael Freund! July 5th,2008


We have decided to start a blog so that our friends and family can keep up with these fast growing boys of ours! We'll keep it up to date so that you can watch them grow with us, Enjoy!