Friday, February 27, 2009

Spring Training, Pirates Game

Go Pirates!
James and Devin eating their hotdogs, yummy!

Thanks for the snacks Trevor!
What a great spot for an afternoon picnic.

The boys went to their first Spring training baseball game today with the Gooby family, what a treat! We had a ball!

Pirates vs Braves- Spring Training

James practicing his pitch

James and his buddy Devin taking over the bleachers after the game....

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Max is on the move!

Max began crawling today! And its Gg's birthday, what a great surprise! He also just cut his 2nd tooth..... He loves chasing a ball around the room, we're in trouble now, he's mobile!! Now we really have to keep an eye on him, he'll be in James' toys in no time! I gotta go mop my floors now!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Bath Time!

Max can sit up in the tub by himself now and he is SOOOO excited about it! I've been trying to burn more energy off of our little "destructor", we'll see, maybe he's just bored around here?!

Good thing he's so cute!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Just wanted to share with everyone the kind of week James is having....... On Valentines Day Mommy got Daddy a new electric razor....... as I was putting Max in the tub, thinking James was right behind me, I heard a buzzing sound, came running into the kitchen where Daddy had placed his new razor to charge....... lets just say James gave himself a nice "accent" above his right ear. Thank goodness he didn't cut himself......
This morning, I foolishly decided to dry my hair (so selfish, I know....) while I was watching Max play and James was playing a computer game in the kitchen. After a whole THREE minutes, I came in the kitchen to check on him (which I have to do daily every minute or so) and he had pooped and smeared it all over my computer, mouse, mouse pad and himself. Deep breaths....
Just now, as I was trying to sweep off the back porch and he was quietly playing at the kitchen table with his crayons and playdough I came in to find him coloring all over the picture frames hanging in the dining room and crayon drawings all over the wall. Deeper breaths....
Anyway, thought someone might find this humorous, one day I'm sure I will as well. Until then, this child in wearing me out!
I'd better go, he's found the hose and is watering everything! And my friends wonder why I can't talk on the phone or have a facebook account?! Ha!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Pool Time!

Today was Max's first time in the pool, he LOVED it!
Just chillin

James is still a little fish

Max is showing off his first tooth!! He's working on #2!
James and Mommy making Stromboli for Daddy

James loves to cook, just like his Daddy, lucky Mommy.....

Valentines Weekend

The boys on Nana and D-Daddy's boat
What a happy sailor!

Me and my boys!

Happy Valentines Day!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nice hats boys! James loves dressing up his baby brother!

Getting pretty good at this sitting stuff

James and Ally

Its been a little chilly, time to break out the winter gear.

Some of James' latest artwork.
He's loves drawing people and they are getting more and more detailed!

Max has a new look, its the "faux-hawk"!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Max's Six Month Stats

Weight: 19lbs 14oz. (88%)

Height: 28 1/4 inches (95%)

Head Circumference: 17 3/4 inches (80%)

Still no crawling, but pushing up and rocking. He loves to sit up and play with his toys. His bottom right tooth FINALLY popped through, he's been cutting for months!! Now I think he is working on the other bottom one...... He is sleeping good most nights even with his little hip brace, and loves to "talk" (da da da and ba ba ba) He is too lazy to hold his own bottle yet and prefers that Mommy do it, can't wait for that day!

James is a maniac, if only I had an ounce of that energy! His drawings are getting better and better. He loves drawing people and continues to add more details each day. We are still working on the potty training concept. I'm determined not to give up at this point, but we still have at least one accident a day. He has really gotten into his "friends" aka stuffed animals in his bed and we use them as motivation to keep him in bed at night. He is already talking about his birthday, we think we will have a party at Lewis Park. He is talking more and more everyday and is constantly cracking us up with the things he comes up with. He is still a very strong willed, independant boy!! We are continuing to work on using our nice words, some days are better than others, he is a much happier boy if we are outside burning energy. Thank goodness we live in Florida!!

We just celebrated Jims 35th birthday yesterday! We had a chance to go with our friends to the Taste of the NFL at Tropicana Field last Saturday night, it was really fun. Each NFL city had a table with a signature dish from a local restaurant and top chef, a matching wine and an NFL great from that city. We saw a few local celebs from the News channels and Meredith and Anne from the Today Show. The Max Weinberg band played, we had a blast, it was fun to get all dressed up and pretend to be VIPs!!