Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Superbowl Time!

Sheri and her famous Pomegranate Cosmo,
what else would you drink at a Superbowl party?

James and Devin playing pirates

Nate, Max and James chillin in the recliners, reminds me of Joey and Chandler on friends.

Jims Surprise Bowling Birthday!

Max and Jim wearing the birthday hat, the Lewis' added googley eyes just for Jims birthday (if you haven't seen it you have to watch Christopher Walken Saturday Night Live
to know why.......)
Max and Ava pretty much ate the whole time......its what they do best!

James and Gracie checking the score board, the kids did great at taking turns, we were pleasantly surprised.

James doing a victory dance.
It was hillarious watching the little guys bowl, it took the ball FOREVER to get all the way to the pins, but they wanted to roll it themselves and didn't like using the rail to roll the ball down.
They did so great, everyone had a fun time.