Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Pumpkin Heads

These next two are the pictures you get when you are trying to get just ONE of both of them looking...

Bob and Pams wedding

Our neighbors Bob and Pam got married on October 17th at Emerson Point, it was a beautiful Saturday morning

Hunsader farms pumpkin festival

We love the Hunsader farms pumpkin festival and look forward to it ever year. This year it was even more fun because we got to experience it with the Lewis family. Jim and Todd were suposed to go deep sea fishing with our neighbor Bob that morning (for his belated bachelor party) but the weather was quite chilly and the seas were a little rough to say the least. Which worked out great, because we had a wonderful family fun day!

James and Nate riding the "tractor train"
In the corn maze

Reverse Trick or Treating

Our parents bible study group at church decided to do "reverse trick-or-treating" with the kids. We went to a local nursing home and the kids took treats to the residents, it was one of the most rewarding experiences for us and the kids!

Both boys loved it, they would run right up to the people and hand them their bags. Max was a maniac (as usual) plowing through the other kids to see the people in the rooms, it was hilarious, he was a true dragon (or baby zilla.....)!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Aunt Cheryl and Uncle Rob sent these great Halloween pjs to the boys along with all kinds of other Halloween goodies, thank you!!! The pjs glow in the dark, and James thinks they are soooo cool, he's worn them EVERY night, literally!
This is James posing like a skeleton, spooky!

Max is pretty excited about his pjs too, when we turn off the light to see them glow he says "oooooooo"!

Max is such a maniac!! He is as much a dare devil as his older brother, which really has mommy concerned..... yes, this is him standing, thats right standing on James rocket. He is constantly climbing and getting into things, he reminds us so much of James at this age. He walks around and cries when he is bored or doesn't get his way, and is becoming quite opinionated these days!! Mommy is recovering from the flu, luckily Nana and Daddy took over with the boys for the past few days, thank you Nana!! And thank goodness it was the weekend, Daddy really stepped up to the plate and became Mr. Mom.
Jim is really busy, business is good! We had a fantastic time in Sanibel last weekend for the NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) convention. Well, I did a lot of relaxing ( a whole lot!) and Jim did a lot of seminars, we made a lot of great contacts and had a nice time visiting with Aunt Alice Ann and Bill who opened their home to us for a few days, what a great family we have!

Tennessee vs. Florida game