Monday, January 19, 2009

Max is really sitting up well now and is trying
to figure out this whole crawling concept.....
The boys in their matching dino pj's from Gg and Popster,

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Max can sit up on his own for a few seconds, but eventually falls over,
he's soooo proud!
What a happy boy!

He has just discovered his tongue and is always sticking it out....

River walk

James enjoying a bike ride along the Manatee river.

James' Artwork

James is quite the little artist, here are some examples of his latest...
He just started drawing people, he actually added hands the other day!

This is his fish (a flounder maybe?)


Max talking to his new buddy

He wasn't quite sure what to do with this big stocking!

James was REALLY excited about his bicycle that Santa brought.

James (aka Superman) got an easel from Santa too, and he LOVES
to draw on it, good job Santa!!