Monday, March 23, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

The boys in their matching alligator shirts, too cute!

Max actually got stuck in this position, it was like he
pulled himself up and then didn't know how to scoot his
feet up. He was here for a while, but never complained.

He just looked at me like "what now?"


The boys playing in the dino tent James got from his Aunt Cheryl,
Max loves it as much as James..

James' choo choo

James' choo choo drawing

Backyard Pool Fun

James got a pool for the backyard for his birthday, fun stuff!!

Backyard Pool Fun II

Devin's Birthday party

James' best buddy Devin had his Birthday party at the park. It was so much fun!

Max is such a good sport!

Max had his first taste of birthday cake, thank you Daddy! yummy!

James and Devin finished off the cake once the party was over......
(hey, is this a wedding or a birthday?!)

Update on the boys

Max is really on the move now, he is even pulling up a lot and will sometimes balance for a second or two! Its funny we were not in a hurry for James to walk, but with Max I think I am ready especially because he is sooo heavy and my back and bicepts are sore from carrying him! He still has a great disposition and really loves being with James, he still thinks James is the funniest person ever (we have to agree!) and he is happy go lucky most of the time. I think he is going to be fearless like his brother too, which means I'm going to really have my hands full with these two, I was kinda thinking that Max might be the hesitant one, but he seems to be pretty tough. Not much phases him, I have to bathe him in our bathtub because it is deeper than the one in the back, he is constantly pulling up to stand in the tub which scares me to death! So I have to keep one hand on him at all times.... Even still he sometimes will slip and float on his back, you would think that this would scare him but instead he just starts dying laughing and kicking those fat legs until he is sitting up again! Another water baby! He is not much into baby food and just spits it back at me most of the time. BUT he loves finger foods, like Cheerios and little peices of peaches/pears out of James' fruit cup cut up into small peices. So I'm just starting to feed him noodles and things cut up and he loves it! I really didn't realize he was old enough but seems to do great, actually better than with baby food. He has absolutely NO interest in holding the bottle on his own though, or using a sippy cup. Nope, still prefers for Mommy to hold that bottle........ can't wait for that day!

James has been pretty good lately, we definitely go through some extreme phases at this age. The favorite phrase at this point is "But I don't want to ______________" (fill in the blank with pretty much anything that has to be done) We have definitely backslid in the potty training department, he does great with the peeing, not so much with the other..... For the most part he is a ball, and constantly has us laughing. He has pretty much dropped his afternoon nap because he was going to bed at 8:30pm and would still be awake at 10:30pm which was killing me and Jim since this is our only time together..... So now I just have a "rest time" in the afternoons, sometimes he will nap (I wake him after about 45min. so he will sleep at night) or sometimes not. He has started Sunday School now that he is three and is pretty excited about being with the big boys and girls at church, no more nursery for this boy! The weather has been beautiful so we have been spending a lot of time outside, he LOVES playing in the sandbox and pretending to be a pirate on his new pirate ship playground. He still eats like a champ and will try just about anything. He also still loves his books, although asks about a million times "whats she say? whats he say? whats he say? whats she say?" as he points at various people, animals. etc. He also still loves playing his ukelele and making up songs as well as playing his keyboard. His drawings continue to get better and better, he drew a choo choo train yesterday that was amazing, I'll post a picture.

Business is going great, Jim has been extremely busy. His emloyee Mike is doing a great job. We are blessed. I've found a terrific school that I can drop the boys in when needed and have used them a few times so I can help Jim get caught up on paperwork, ordering, billing, etc. The boys both love to go, even Max starts kicking and smiling as soon as we walk in. He gets to crawl around with all kinds of cool mats, toys and other babies around. Of course James loves it, big surprise..... he wants to go everyday and play on the "blue playground". The teachers and owner are amazing and I feel great having the boys there.

The inspectors came today, the framing inspection failed, because of some tie downs or something, hopefully easy to correct... I think the electrical and HVAC went well. As soon as they get the insulation in and inspected I can start drywalling, yay! Jim spent the weekend being a lumberjack, trimming trees and finishing up the fireplace. There's always a tool for the day............. yesterday it was the chainsaw!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

James wanted a ukelele (sp?) cake this year,
this was the best we could do........
Daddy expended all of his creative energy on the playground
which he has dubbed "The Magic Kingdom".

He blew out all three candles on the first try!

James and Devin, ready for some cake!
Ava and her Daddy, she's such a good eater,
especially when it comes to cake!

Max and Daddy


James' 3rd Birthday Party!

Thank you Gg for the keyboard,
James is quite the little musician.

Cake time!

James and all of his best buddies, what a great birthday!

Pirate Playground

Jim added the canvas, sail and lots of rope.
Its really looking like a pirate ship now!


Max LOVES his swing, and it gives him
a birds eye view of James playing in the sand.

Thank you Uncle Eston and Aunt Tammi
for the BIG Tonka truck, awesome!

Addition 3/13/09

Yay! We have an entrance to our house!!! I'm more excited
about that than our bedroom!

This is the side view, the transom windows will be above
the headboard of our bed.....

Much better! We just need a coat of paint on the stucco, they
are almost finished with the roof and then the interior work begins.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pirate Ship Construction continues

James helped Mommy paint the railings.

He also helped Daddy with the bolts, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

Almost complete, only a few decorative touches to go like
adding sails, cover etc. Yay!
Thank you for the Pirate Flag from Marathon Nana and D-Daddy!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Take note of our entry, its been an interesting week
getting the boys in and out of the house....

We are so excited about the progress being made,
and can't wait to move into our new room!

James and Max enjoying some play time together

Look who's standing!

The boys watching the construction workers, great live entertainment.....

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

James and Max playground construction

Jim is working on James' birthday present, he is creating a
pirate ship swingset for the boys, coming along nicely. He's
been working on it after working all day, in the dark until
10:00pm each night, what a great Daddy!!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

The weather on Saturday was beautiful, hot and breezy.
Max went on his first ride in the "rickshaw" today, he loved it!

James hanging out in his new favorite spot.
Daddy is always working on new projects around the house,
this is our bench under our kitchen window, looks great.