Jim had some clients that had taken their boat to Key West and needed a new radar, soooooo, we seized the opportunity to take a family road trip to the Keys. One of Mommys favorite places in the world!
The best part was that Eston, Tammi and baby Will were down visiting Nana and D-Daddy in Marathon on their boat at the same time! We had such a great visit and we are already planning our next trip down.

We came across HWY 41 so the boys could see all of the alligators along the side of the road. We stopped at the welcome center so they could get a close up view of these amazing animals. James was so cute, he kept trying to protect Max, thinking he was getting to close to the railing.... he's pretty protective over his little brother these days.

James, Max and some pirate friends they made at Mallory Square

James and a street performer

The little Mayberry family watching the performers at Mallory Square. Everyone LOVED the birthday hat in Key West, we thought it would go unnoticed in such a crazy town, but Eston got comments everywhere he went. Everyone wanted to know where they could buy one (who in there right mind would buy that?!) We had to tell them it was a one of a kind, family tradition!

Baby Will really enjoyed the Conch Train ride, but he pretty much seems to enjoy everything.... He is such a sweet, happy boy!

Birthday celebration at Sloppy Joe's

Will and Max hitching a ride, now this is the way to see Key West.....

The No Name Pub, we found it!
Dinner was pretty "entertaining" with a one, one and a half and four year old. Now we remember why we don't go out to eat..... but that sure was some gooooood pizza!