Monday, May 18, 2009

May update

The continual house projects are coming along, thankfully Uncle Todd paid us a visit last week and really got some things done. He painted the exterior of the house and trim, looks great! Also made some progress on our addition, which is about 80% finished. Just have to finish up the flooring and trim. I am dying to move into our new room, Max is a pretty quiet sleeper, but occasionally snores, plus every move he makes I hear....

Business is as busy as ever, Jim is going to be hiring some more help soon. We are thankful everyday for the success of FreundShip Marine!

James is still hillarious, coming up with new sayings that crack us up everyday. He has been talking a lot about going on an airplane to see Gg and Popster lately. He told me yesterday that he wasn't ready to take a nap because he was going to take a nap at Gg and Popsters. He only has a couple of weeks left of school, he's Spring program is next Friday, can't wait to see how he performs. He is getting smarter everyday, and now recognizes a lot of his letters. Everytime he sees a "J", on a billboard or on TV, he says "Mommy, theres my name! I see my name!" He can also count to thirteen (he gets to twenty, but after thirteen he gets creative, like oneteen,twoteen, eleventeen, etc. and picks back up with eighteen) but for some reason has to YELL each number.

Max is still my little lazy boy when it comes to taking his bottle, sometimes he'll hold it himself, sometimes not.... We are working on using the sippy cup, but he prefers the ones with straws (fine with me!) He loves people food cut up, and seems to be a bottomless pit these days. He is still cutting some teeth, and just started with another runny nose and cough the last few days. (You'll see Uncle Eston and Tammi, it seems like one cold after another.....) He loves music and clapping his hands and of course watching every move his big brother makes.

We are very excited, baby Will is coming to see us very soon! Can't wait to get ahold of that little guy!!

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