Saturday, August 1, 2009

Max walking

Max is really starting to walk now. He loves to try and get our drinks if they are sitting on the table unattended, this is appropriate, he is walking towards my beer, he just can't resist a full glass!

He is such a happy boy! He laughs all the time and has such a great personality, very laid back, yet active. He is next to impossible to change, he is the wiggliest baby!! He never stops moving (just like when he was in my belly!)

At his one year check up he weighed 26lbs and was 32 in. long. He is very tall, and very heavy....Mommy is getting some killer biceps from carrying this boy around, who needs the gym membership?

1 comment:

William said...

Thank you so much for this!!! I am so glad to get this moving video of him in his first steps.. love nana Judy